
The Natural State

Minenessota is one of the most dramatic states, from lush farming landscapes, to towering mountains and valleys, to large waterways and home to a thriving, mega metropolis. Minenessota also has one of the most modern roadway networks and urban infrastructure, complete with working traffic signaling, wide roads, and easy to navigate streets. Minenessota is also home to the world’s largest airport and largest capital region of any state. The state also has some the most beautiful landscapes, and residential areas of any states, with lots of diverse architecture. Minenessota is the perfect choice for those seeking adventure, and convenience.

Why Choose Mineland?

  • Great place to Setup "Shop"
  • Tons of Food, Shopping Places
  • Unique Urban & Residential Areas
  • Lots of Available Land
  • Vicinity to Major World Roadways

Cons of Mineland

  • Vast open distances between areas
  • Costs vary wildy from area to area in the state
  • Somewhat Laggy (Depending on your Machine)
  • Residenital Costs are High